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October 15, 2022 MetalCloak Skillz Day

October 15, 2022 MetalCloak Skillz Day

MetalCloak Skillz Day created an event for NEW Jeep Owners to come and develop their off-roading Skillz in a safe and supervised environment.  Tahoe Driving Academy was invited to volunteer train. 
The following are highlights from some of the attendees conquering the "Mini Rubicon course.
More information on their event. visit their website at

To download your video, follow these steps:


1 - Hoover over the video you wish to download and click on the Download icon.

2 - When it expands, hoover over the video and click on the 3 dots in the bottom right corner.

3 - Click Download.


1 - Tap on the video you wish to download and tap on the Download icon 

2 - When it expands, tap on the 3 dots in the bottom right corner and tap on Download.


I hope you had a fun time getting a taste of what your Jeep can do.  I am not affiliated with MetalCloak other than I lOVE their products. I was honored to have my academy invited to volunteer our teaching skills.  If you are interested in additional training, reach out to my Tahoe Driving Academy to see if I have a class that suits your interest.  Until then, Keep on Jeepin'!

If you feel I taught you with some helpful tips on the Mini Rubicon, feel free to leave me a personal
Google review on my performance. (your review is only for me, and not MetalCloak's event). 

Very much appreciated!

Johnny G

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